Convert Resumes to the Correct Style using Smart Automation
GrowWork Group is an HR service provider and trainer in various sectors. The company was looking for a solution to smartly convert resumes into resumes with the correct branding and found SmartDocuments. Hasan Kazem from GrowWork Group explains how the company efficiently adjusts resumes with SmartDocuments.
"As a staffing agency, we connect professionals with organizations in various markets," says Hasan Kazem, Information Manager at GrowWork Group. "We provide staffing services in healthcare, government, housing associations, and education. Additionally, we coach individuals in career mobility towards new jobs and handle recruitment and the selection of candidates. For example, we forward job vacancies from organizations and receive applications for these vacancies. We then strive to find the right candidate. We also search for the right job vacancies for the professionals associated with us. This way, we contribute to social services for the public domain."
Automating resume conversions
"On the vacancies we forward we receive many applications. A standard part of an application process is to submit a resume," Hasan continues. "We believe it is important that when we forward a resume to an organization, it is presented with appropriate and professional corporate identity. This way, our professionals are recognizable, and including the corporate identity in the resumes contributes to the quality we aspire to maintain. Moreover, each professional structures their resume slightly differently. That's why we convert the resumes we receive into resumes with the correct branding. We used to do this manually: cutting data from the resume and pasting it into a version in the correct style. This method was error-prone and time-consuming. Additionally, we have 5 different corporate identities, each with their own focus. Therefore, we sought a way to automate this process, and that's how we came across SmartDocuments."

Hasan Kazem, information manager at GrowWork Group
“Automating our resume conversions works super efficiently. Where we used to need about an hour per resume, we can now convert them in a few minutes”
User-friendly with minimal management
GrowWork uses SmartDocuments in combination with a technical integration with Textkernel. Hasan explains: "Textkernel identifies and classifies data from resumes, and SmartDocuments then processes it to output with the correct corporate identity. In the SmartDocuments Wizard my colleagues simply select the style to which the resume should be converted, and with one click the document is ready. They do a final check to see if everything is correct and they add the personal summary – that still is a human task. The solution is simple, but it saves a lot of time. The system is user-friendly, and managing the document templates takes minimum effort. The software is reliable and works how we want it to work. Additionally, we receive good support from SmartDocuments, for example at the beginning of the process, when we first started setting up the templates. SmartDocuments' employees respond quickly and are knowledgeable in providing solutions."
A more efficiently executed business
"This method of converting resumes works super efficiently," says Hasan. "Where we used to need about an hour per resume, we can now convert them in a few minutes. It saves our teams a lot of time and allows them to focus on other, more enjoyable tasks. Additionally, it minimizes manual errors, and all our resumes look good and professional, truly representing our company. We can quickly respond to customer requests because we are well prepared with the right candidates and their resumes. In situations where we have found the perfect candidate but do not have a converted resume yet, we can convert it in no time. From a commercial standpoint, we can now execute our work better and more efficiently. This also a significant added value to using SmartDocuments, that makes that we are very satisfied with this solution."