What if it was possible to increase efficiency and reduce errors
and time spent during manual transfers by automatically
populating Microsoft Word templates in SmartDocuments with
metadata from OpenText Content Suite, or vice versa?
OpenText SmartDocuments Connector is a Content Suite module. It allows
users to create new documents or new document versions in Content Suite via
SmartDocuments’ document generation functions and update both the document
and metadata when returning to Content Suite.
While working on a document, Content Suite users can begin creating a document
such as a letter or a form for a customer within their case with no need to enter
all the case related data manually within the document. In comparison to a manual
activity, this way of working increases processing speed and reduces spelling or
typing mistakes.
OpenText provides large organizations with a broad range of support for their content management. OpenText is also market leader in EIM (enterprise information management). SmartDocuments provides OpenText with software for the (ad hoc) output of documents, complementing their Exstream software.
Some of our joint customers